Chair-based exercise for older patients with mental health problems
Arturo Kerbel-Shein, Clinical Support Worker
Chair-based exercise for patients
Arturo is based at the Community Recovery Service for Older People, supporting older adults with mental health problems. Over the years, Arturo and other staff from Camden Mews have been trained as CBE instructors to improve patients physical fitness levels.
Course Experience
Training was engaging and entertaining. Explanations of the rationale behind the movements and sessions were to the point. Instructors discussed ideas for trainees to implement new exercise groups or improve existing ones.
Implementation of chair-based exercise classes
Our service has a longstanding trajectory in implementation of chair based exercises. Exercise sessions have been happening every day at the centre, meaning that most patients join once or twice a week, depending on how many times a week they visit the service. Exercises are part of the basic routine at the service. A minimal number of patients (max 1 a day) opt out of the session, and some stay to enjoy the music. There is no resistance whatsoever on the side of patients to join in, as they are well aware that each can perform movements to the extent they feel like (i.e. considering own limitations, impact of movements, pain, etc.).
Feedback from patients
There is consistently positive verbal and written feedback regarding the sessions. Most patients have expressed they enjoy chair based exercises on quality monitoring questionnaires. Patients have expressed enjoying explanations about the muscles, and the daily tasks in which they are involved.
Benefits and positive outcomes
Since chair based exercises have been running at the service for a long period of time, it is possible to observe how exercises help keep patients both mentally and physically active, and the session also impacts mood positively. Exercises also help those patients with mobility issues as a proactive reinforcer of any treatment they may be receiving from OTs or physiotherapists, and for some real life situations where specific muscles are involved.
Future plans and additional comments
Inclusion of music is very important, and we have added some interesting elements to the sessions such as exercises inspired by dance, yoga, Pilates and martial arts. The format of the session enables professionals to deliver chair-based exercise classes drawing on previous experience and backgrounds.
May 2024