AMAC, the fitness training provider behind the AllActive course range, is committed to producing high-quality training which is recognised nationally by employers. Through AMAC’s partnerships with like-minded organisations you can be assured that AllActive courses continue to meet the needs of the health, care and voluntary sector as well as meeting fitness industry standards.

Education & Skills Funding Agency

The Education & Skills Funding Agency fund skills training for further education (FE) in England. They support  colleges, private training organisations, and employers with funding each year.

Amacsports Ltd are an approved training provider that is is listed on ESFA register.

Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH)

AMAC are proud to be an approved provider for Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) qualifications. We have carefully selected qualifications which compliment the AllActive course range in promoting inclusivity and wellbeing through exercise.

RSPH is an independent, multi-disciplinary charity with the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to optimise their health and wellbeing. They are committed to educating, empowering and supporting communities and individuals to live healthily. Formed in October 2008 with the merger of the Royal Society of Health and the Royal Institute of Public Health, RSPH also work to help inform policy and practice across all aspects of health protection and health promotion.

Skills for Care

For a decade we have been a Skills for Care endorsed learning provider. After December 2024 our current endorsement will change as the Department of Health and Social Care will be launching their new Targeted Upskilling Fund and an accompanying endorsement process for learning providers offering qualifications on the Workforce Development Fund list. An endorsement process for those delivering other courses has yet to be announced and as such, during this transition period the skills for Care Endorsement Programme has closed to endorsed learning providers wishing to renew their endorsement. This will support the sector’s transition to the new arrangements and reduce any confusion.

Skills for Care is the employer-led workforce development body for adult social care in England. They work with employers across the country to help raise quality standards across the sector through workforce learning, development and practical resources. Skills for Care is committed to ensuring everyone has the right skills and values to delivery high quality service based on dignity and respect.

UK Active

AMAC are an approved member of UK Active. Ukactive is a not-for-profit body comprised of members and partners from across the UK active lifestyle sector. Members represent the full spectrum of the activity sector, from local leisure centres to multinational brands, from facility operators to activity providers working out of community centres. ukactive are committed to getting more people more active, more often, and to working with any organisation who shares this goal.


Amac are an official CIMSPA Skills Development Partner. The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector. You will see the CPD points allocated to over courses and qualifications.

Active IQ

Amac are accredited by the awarding body Active IQ. Active IQ are committed to ensuring their qualifications are of the highest quality and supported by innovative resources. Their qualifications are highly respected amongst employers and are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the health and fitness sector.

Age Action Alliance

The Age Action Alliance was originally established in 2011 following a decision by The Social Justice Cabinet Committee to facilitate collaborative working between organisations (and some individuals) who had a shared interest in later life issues. Over the next few years, the AAA grew into a vibrant hub with some 900+ members, and giving organisations direct access to older people in order to inform their work and help develop joined-up solutions.


National Careers Service

The National Careers Service are experienced careers advisors who can help answer your questions regarding training and career options. Amac work closely with the National Careers Service to ensure our students have the necessary information to make the right choices for them about their studies and career path. You can find all our courses listed on their website.